BY: sauce DATE: 2004-Feb-03 07:18 SUBJECT: RE: The license issueYes, this is more or less true. And just as bad as having multiple copies of sps2 is also having just one -- but the one that was bundled with a game that may have been written a year ago.
Picture this:
You download a brand new game "A" that ships with sps2 version "A." Now, sps2 version "A" is recent because game "A" is recent. The instructions tell you to properly install SPS2, and run the game... You do so.
Next, you download a six month old game "B" that ships with sps2 version "B." Version "B" of sps2, being six months old, doesn't have as many features as version "A." The instructions tell you to properly install SPS2, and run the game... You do so, and end up overwriting sps2 verion "A" with an older version. Game "B" works, but game "A" was expecting some of the new features of sps2 so it no longer works.
Now your user has to turn into a developer or something to understand the issues of version conflicts, etc, etc... to resolve his issue.
How do we know that game "B" can work with the new SPS2 module version "A"? It's because I'm going to try my best, when releasing a new version of SPS2, to make sure that it can "behave" like an old version as much as possible.
As eratosthenes suggested, this isn't such a problem when you create a memory card image that has everything _you_ need on it. This is because you don't end up overwriting an SPS2 image that anyone else needs; generally whatever you put in your bundled image is only used when you boot it up -- and is no longer used once you switch back to linux, so it's very, very unlikely to conflict with anything.
In any case, Paul's right in the sense that I'm willing to give mrm permission to create a bundled image with everything on it. I'd also like to see him, or someone else create a bundled image with everything but sps2 and game data on it. mrm's bundled image with game is just that -- a packaged game. The latter will be a good template for developers, all they'll need to do is dump the version of sps2 they used, their game data, and any additional libraries and they're set too!
If this looks like it ends up working out well, I'll consider revising the license to allow for these bundled images by default instead of by permission.