BY: eratosthenes DATE: 2004-Feb-01 14:29 SUBJECT: RE: Wow! You certainly kept yourself quiet!Oh, I was mainly involved in the no-hdd site as a tester, you have patryk to thank for the bulk of the work!
As for BOOTP, I've heard it mentioned before, but didn't really understand it :) However, I now have a box acting as my own webserver, maybe now is the time to learn?
Short tutorial, article, it's all just semantics :) What I'd love is for some of this to be written up, in whatever form. I put together a memory card image for using the VU harness, but it was mainly trial and error (lots of both) so I never got round to trying it with sps2.
As for using the sps2 forum for non sps2 stuff - you should see what gets discussed on #sps2! It's nice to have someone with such manners, but this discussion is more than welcome :)