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Directory Description
  Documentation  Documentation
      Conference Materials/Presentations  Conference materials and presentations
      File Formats  Documentation of file formats
      Hardware Manuals  Documentation on the PS2 hardware
  Drivers and SDKs  Libraries, drivers, and associated APIs for using them
  Sample Code  Sample code
      DMA  Code showing the use of DMA and the libpkt libraries.
      EE  The core MIPS side of the processor (Emotion Engine)
      GS and GIF  Code showing various usages of the GIF and GS (Graphics Synthesiser)
      Peripherals  Stuff that connects to the PS2 externally
          Controllers  Pads, NeGcon, DualShocks, Guns, and other controllers
          USB  USB mice, keyboards, cameras, etc.
      VU and VIF  Code using the VU (Vector Units) and VIF (Vector unit InterFace)
  Tools  Tools and applications
      Audio  Audio tools
      Graphics  Graphics tools
      Programming  Programming tools
          Utilities  Programming utilities
      Testing and QA  Testing and QA tools

Directory: Programming
Description: Programming tools

Project NameDescription
 [Package][Release][Release Notes][Download][Release Date][Days old]
Aidoru AI engineInitially the project will consist of a vector unit accelerated AI engine for PS2 Linux. I hope to provide functionality for a few Neural Net architectures, A* and other pathfinding routines, various tree search methods, Prolog-style (but faster) logic, and various other useful AI game algorithms. Please view the README file for details and coding standards. If someone can donate some code/time, I would like to eventually add graphics and networking support to the engine.
 aidoru-sourcetestcodeRelease Notesaidoru-src-0.00.003.tar.gz (13 KB)19 Jun, 20022713
 project informationreadme/info filesRelease NotesREADME (5 KB)26 May, 20022737
GNU binutilsProvide source and binaries of up-to-date versions of GNU binutils with EE patches.
 binutils2.13.2.1-1Release Notesbinutils- (4,265 KB)
binutils- (12,284 KB)
binutils- (22 KB)
19 Jan, 20032498
GNU C CompilerGCC is a standards compliant C compiler supported on a great number of platforms. This project will release binary and source versions of the compiler with support for Linux for Playstation 2.
 gcc3.0.3Release Notesgcc-3.0.3-ps2linux-bin.tgz (13,384 KB)
gcc-3.0.3-ps2linux-bin.tgz.md5sum (1 KB)
gcc-3.0.3-ps2linux-src.tgz (13,412 KB)
gcc-3.0.3-ps2linux-src.tgz.md5sum (1 KB)
4 Mar, 20022820
PS2 Linux YabasicI wanted to clone the PS2Yabasic editor/interpreter from PAL demo discs and make it run under linux. I couldn't do it. If anyone wants to take this project over from me, e-mail
VUC - VU CompilerCompiler that translates a C like language to a VCL file that can be assembled to VU machine code.
 ps2linux_vuc2004.1Release (163 KB)11 Apr, 20042051
 samples_vuc2004.1Release (56 KB)11 Apr, 20042051
 win32_vuc2004.1Release (422 KB)11 Apr, 20042051
 x86linux_vuc2004.1Release (117 KB)11 Apr, 20042051
5 projects