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Project Name Description
C and C++ Programming Newbie SocietyThe aim of the C and C++ Programming Newbie Society is to teach programming to a wide variety of skill levels. Ranging from people who have never written code in their lives, to people who are aces in other languages (Such as Perl, PHP, or Visual Basic). There will be links to tutorials, code snippets to download, compile on their PS2's, and learn from, forums in which to discuss programming techniques, and ask for C/C++ help. I myself am on the journey of discovery with C/C++, and will therefore be posting my progress for others to follow. The Playstation2 Linux platform is a new and exciting opportunity for would-be programmers to arise and share their ideas, this project will attempt to bring their ideas to life with the magic of C/C++ and PS2 Linux.
CompatmodeA final goal for this project is to have the entire source code and documentation for a PS2Linux game that I will write. By hosting my project here, instead of on my own personal webspace, the project will be made easily available for people in the PS2Linux community to access. This project will form a substantial part of my final year's project at University (which I will be undertaking from Septemeber next year, until completion, at Liverpool John Moores University). In order to get to this goal I am going to create various smaller sub-projects, mainly as a learning exercise for me, but also they will be kept here as information for other PS2Linux users to access. Some of the initial sub-projects will include: - Simple polygon example - Texturing example - Matrix manipulation examples (rotation, scaling, etc) - A 2D API to encapsulate the above - 3D model importing and displaying code - Perspective projection example, using Vu0 in macromode for matrix manipulation - Example of using Vu1 in micromode - Vu1 Micromode program to display a 3D model on screen - Control pad example - moving sprite around screen - Control pad example - moving 3D model around screen - Sound example, playing multiple sounds As well as doing the above sub-projects, I'll port a couple of simple 2D games I have already written for PS2 to PS2Linux (Pang and Space Invaders) and possibly a couple of other games I have written for other platforms in the past.
Compiled For Your Convenience

A bunch of useful scripts, binaries, etc of all the stuff you're likely to compile yourself, to help get things up and running quickly when installing a new Linux Kit.

If you have compiled something and would like to submit it to the project, e-mail with an attachment or link. The full list of project admins is available on the project page.

A list of links to useful ps2linux related websites is in the "Docs" tab.

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