RISC library - Summary

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Project Description: It is a library of useful routines that can be used in simple assembly language programs that demonstrate basic concepts. It has already been used to writing executable solutions to all exam questions in the book: Introduction to RISC Assembly Language Programming, by John Waldron. Programs that use risclib are staticly linked to it and are non-shared. This relieves the programmer from having to support position independant code. However, as a consequence of this, many simple standard library functions cannot be called. Non-shared code cannot be linked with shared code. The library provides basic functions for reading and writing strings and numbers (in many bases). It does not yet support the reading and writing of floats. It privides several basic string operations, strcat, strcpy, str2num, num2str, str2upper, etc... The biggest problem to overcome is finding a way to support the debugging on non-PIC programs with gdb. It may be possible to write an assembly source pre-processor that converts the non-PIC source into PIC source with debugging information.

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