RISC library - Files

Summary |  Files | 

Release Name: risclib-0.1.tar.gz [Download]

Everything is written in RISC assembly.

Package contents:
  - read/write functions for strings and integers of any base
  - string/base-b-integer conversion routines
  - a few simple string operations
  - test programs to demonstrate the library's usage
  - nearly all exam solutions to those posed in the book: Introduction to RISC Assembly Language Programming, by John Waldron

Goals for future releases:
  - implant the appropriate pseudo-ops for gdb debugging capabilities
  - add support for float/string conversions
  - implement the rest of the exam solutions
  - include arbitrary precision arithmetic capability with various math functions
  - support relocatable code (PIC). 
  - fix any bugs as usual

After unzipping/unpacking the tar-ball, type 'make' while in the created
directory.  This will build the static library.  Type 'make examples' to build
the test programs and exam solutions.  To see how you can use the library,
study the Makefile and the sample programs.

Changes: Since this is the first release ever, please see the Release Notes.