SPS2 - Direct PS2 Access Environment - Files

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Release Name: 0.3.0 [Download]

This version supports the cop2 access functionality provided by sps2mod-0.3.0.  A new function has been added to request this access.

In addition
* A bug in libsps2util has been fixed
* The sps2UScreenSwap() function has been broken up into sps2UScreenSwap() and sps2UScreenClear(r,g,b)

Changes: * Synchronized with kernel module 0.3.0 * Added _sps2EnableCOP2Access to enable COP2 and Macro Mode instructions. * Added _sps2UNIEnableCOP2Access to sps2util * Split sps2UScreenSwap() to sps2UScreenSwap and sps2UScreenClear. This will require you to change your code! * Updated screen.cpp to use sps2UScreenClear * Update tutorial code to use sps2UScreenClear * Fixed a small bug in sps2UScreenSwap, thanks to Kazan