Mozilla for PlayStation2 - Files

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Release Name: 0.6 04252003 w/PSM [Download]

Notes: Firebird/Phoenix 0.6 nightly build for PlayStation 2 Linux. This was created from the latest nightly Mozilla source code.

This build is recommended for use instead of the release build. See the release build notes for explanation.

FreeType2 is not enabled in this release. PSM & crypto are enabled! You should be able to use PSM and SSL.

This build was compiled natively on the PlayStation 2. It was created using gcc 2.95.2 and GNU make 3.79.1. It should be compatible with PlayStation 2 Linux and BlackRhino Linux.

The following help text is from, adapted for the PlayStation2 Linux version of Phoenix.

To install Phoenix by downloading the tar.gz file:

  1. Create a directory named "phtemp" (mkdir phtemp) and change to that directory (cd phtemp).

  2. Click the link on the site you're downloading Phoenix from to download the non-installer (phoenix*.tar.gz) file into the Phoenix directory.

  3. Change to the phtemp directory (cd phtemp) and decompress the file with the following command:
              tar zxvf pho*.tar.gz
    This creates a "phoenix" directory under your phtemp directory.

  4. Change to the Phoenix directory (cd phoenix).

  5. Run Phoenix with the following run script:

Changes: Uploaded first Phoenix/Firebird build with PSM.