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Posted By: sarahe
Date: 2002-Jun-13 03:40
Summary:Linux kit at Consumer Electronics Show, Australia, 13-16 June

I've just heard that the Linux kit will be on display at Sony's huge 324 sqm stand at the Consumer Electronics Show in Sydney. We're stand 69 in the Hordern Pavillion - "our man in Australia" Bill Dixon will be there to answer your questions and demo the kit.

The show's website is:

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Discussion Forums: Linux kit at Consumer Electronics Show, Australia, 13-16 June


Message: 19470
BY: muppet
DATE: 2002-Jul-07 06:30
SUBJECT: Oh Dear...

In case you can't figure it out from the contents of this post I'm a *Sigh* newbie......

I'm a 20yr old who's considering taking up programming, and am hence also considering buying the Linux Kit for PS2. The main thing I'm trying to find out is WHAT THE HELL CAN YOU USE IT FOR!? As I haven't found anything either specific or particularily helpful regarding the topic.

My main query is, is running Linux on a PS2 the equivalent of simply having another PC running off the Linux OS (used to run desktop aps), or can the Linux-PS2 kit be used to learn the basics of programming for a console?

The only other concern is... with a 40GB HD coming with the Kit, can it also be used to store (and use) data like a 'normal' pc (for example: can you save mp3's on the HD and use a linux app to play the songs as per your average pc?)

If for some reason the PS2-Linux Kit facilitates neither of these functions, could someone please tell me why the hell the Kit was created. (Otherwise you may as well be running all this stuff on a bog standard PC......)

If this has been posted in the wrong section of the forum, please point me in the right direction. (It took me long enough simply to find something that could be recognised as a forum on this website... ). And if there is a website that is likely to answer most of my questions please let me know... ('Cos I'm buggered if I can find any DECENT info about the Kit)

Anyways, feel free to point and laugh folks, just so long as someone ANSWERS MY QUESTIONS. *Sigh*


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Oh Dear...muppet2002-Jul-07 06:30


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