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Discussion Forums: Developers


Message: 46592
BY: axedog
DATE: 2004-Dec-15 07:29
SUBJECT: Using context 2

I have been trying to load two textures into GS RAM, and set up one drawing context to each texture, that way I can switch between them easily by using a value of 0 or 1 for the CTXT field of the PRIM register. However, I can't get context 2 to work! :-(

Both textures are definitely being uploaded, because I can display either one using context 1. For context 1, I am setting the TEX0_1 and TEX1_1 registers. For context 2, I expected it to work if I simply used TEX0_2 and TEX1_2, but it doesn't work. The program runs, but it's just as if I never drew any primitives fr texture 2.

Are there some other context 2 registers that I need to set up, that sps2 doesn't set by default, e.g. FRAME_2, SCISSOR_2 etc.?


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Thread Author Date
Using context 2axedog2004-Dec-15 07:29
      RE: Was resolved.sparky2004-Dec-22 04:44
            RE: Was resolved.axedog2004-Dec-22 08:17


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