BY: rdel DATE: 2002-May-17 10:59 SUBJECT: ntsc signalPS2 Linux can be configured to use TVs and it is assumed that eventually users will do this. Why didn't they make the install program use ntsc signal in the first place is puzzling. Oh well, I guess I will just be waiting for the consumer hdd to come out and then maybe if Linux is made available as a stand alone software (without the hdd/ethernet/keyboard/mouse/monitor cable), I'll set it up on one of the partitions of the consumer hdd. A PS2 hdd is a PS2 hdd. I'll also get myself that PS2 modem due in August and linux compatible USB(keyboard and mouse). Whew! If sony wants PS2 linux to stay they should make it available as a stand alone software like PS2 games or that Gameshark disc when the consumer hdd comes out. AND it should NOT require some special monitor but use STANDARD TVs that the PS2 is already connected to. That's all folks. |