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Posted By: abertsch
Date: 2003-Jan-24 15:47
Summary:FAQ Updated

The FAQ has finally been updated to reflect some of the great stuff that's happened since the last time we updated the FAQ. Everyone can give a big thanks to sarahe for making these much-needed changes to the FAQ.

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Discussion Forums: FAQ Update


Message: 30715
BY: taomyn
DATE: 2003-Jan-27 07:22
SUBJECT: RE: FAQ - comments

Ok, that's found me the gadget, but I'm not convinced it's what I need.

The problem I have with using Linux for PS2 is that on a TV, the resolution sucks. It would be so nice to have my PS2 allow me to surf the net in my living room without having to have a p.c. stuck in there as well.

I therefore thought if I can find something that will allow the VGA adapter that comes with the kit to connect to a non SOG monitor, I could then use my VGA to TV adapter that goes up to 1024x768.

I can't see the Blaze convertor would helping here.


Thread View

Thread Author Date
FAQ - commentslinuxlad2003-Jan-25 01:48
      RE: FAQ - commentstaomyn2003-Jan-27 04:59
            RE: FAQ - commentslinuxlad2003-Jan-27 07:03
                  RE: FAQ - commentstaomyn2003-Jan-27 07:22
                        RE: FAQ - commentssauce2003-Feb-02 18:11
                              RE: FAQ - commentsdjspringate2003-Feb-19 03:42


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