BY: cduran01 DATE: 2002-May-22 12:53 SUBJECT: sync on green to VGA converterI have seen many circuits that convert the sync signals in from VGA Hsync/Vsync to composite sync on green (SOG). There are also some converters out there to do the oposite, that is convert a composite SOG to VGA Hsync/Vsync. These adaptors are costly (~$125), but in my opinion there isnt much to its design for them to cost that much. I am proposing to design a circuit that does this, within a reasonable price (~$20) in price. If I am succesfull, I will email the schematics to those brave people that want to build it themselves or at a small fee (cost of parts, shipping and $15 for my time) I will assemble and ship the adaptor.
On a side note, another way you can get a SOG monitor rather cheep is to get an old SGI or SUN workstation monitor on ebay. I got a 20" SGI monitor for $30!!!. These all support sync on green, but you will need an adaptor to convert from the DB15 VGA connector to either BNC or the SGI standard, this I was also able to get on ebay. |