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Posted By: abertsch
Date: 2003-Sep-03 15:18
Summary:SCPH-39001 & Signal 10/Signal 11 install errors

If you have a PlayStation2 model number SCPH-39001 and have been experiencing strange HDD issues, we have the solution for you. The errors that are associated with this problem are:

Signal 10 or Signal 11 errors during install.
Random errors that spit a ton of python errors during install.
/lib/ unresolved symbols (at boot time)
large numbers of random module failures (at boot time).

North America: If you are experiencing these issues, please have the Serial# and Model# of both your console and network adaptor ready and call Consumer Services at 800-345-SONY. Your network adaptor will be replaced.

Europe, Africa & Middle East: Call your national PlayStation 2 consumer services phone number and explain that you have a problem with your network adaptor not working with your console. Customer service centres have been made aware through service advisory number 50 and should be happy to replace your network adaptor for you. If you have any difficulty with this process please contact us at and we will be happy to help you.

Thank you for being patient with us on this issue.

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Discussion Forums: SCPH-39001 & Signal 10/Signal 11 install errors


Message: 47309
BY: pixie2004
DATE: 2005-Feb-21 15:20
SUBJECT: SCPH-39001 & Signal 10/Signal 11 install erro

Is it possible to tell which network adapters will work with the SCPH-39001 and which ones won't? Is there a difference in model number, or a chip inside that can be identified?


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SCPH-39001 & Signal 10/Signal 11 install erropixie20042005-Feb-21 15:20


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