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Posted By: abertsch
Date: 2002-Mar-13 11:30
Summary:Pre-orders now available in North America

Pre-orders for the Linux (for Playstation 2) kit Are now being taken on the website at As stated in the FAQ the cost will be $199, and we now have an expected ship date of 5/22/02. Due to the distant nature of the date, it is subject to change. Orders for the kit will only be taken for North American territories at this time. Orders for European territories will be available at a future date.

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Discussion Forums: Pre-orders now available in North America


Message: 3683
BY: anchorite
DATE: 2002-Mar-10 23:53
SUBJECT: ports

I hope soon that Qt is available for this. I know that Red Hat doesn't include it, and this is supposed to be a stripped down Red Hat, but Red Hat does include GNOME, and this kit doesn't, so the rules don't apply. Don't know enough about programming to know if it would work with the kernel out-of-the-box or it would need mods to work with this particular type of Linux.

Anyone know about OpenGL for this thing? The graphics chip specs for the PS2 are frighteningly proprietary compared to the XBox's very vanilla GeForce 3 (or is it 2, I can't remember, but the point is that you know what libraries have hardware support).


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