The ee-dvp-as assembler lordbosh 1. Introduction While we all have the docs for the VUs, there is [as far as i have found] absolutely none on the assembler, ee-dvp-as, itself. This is a shame, as it has lots of nifty features, including macros for building VIF packets automatically. While some of this functionality has been exposed in Sony's examples, quite a bit is missing, and there's no real info on the specifics [eg. the "update" directive]. This doc hopes to sort that. Note that much of the information in here has been taken directly from looking at the source of ee-bin-as rather than from practice. 2. Directives & VIF macros 2.1 "unpack" / ".endunpack" format: unpack[IMRUBITS] WL, CL, UNPACKTYPE, UNPACKLOC, DATALEN example: unpack[u] 4,4,v4_32,0,* IMRUBITS: "\[[imru]+\]" i - sets interrupt at end of processing flag m - sets "use write data mask" flag r - if set, add VIF1_TOPS register to address [doc name = "FLG"] u - set for unsigned unpacking. if it's not there, then 5,8&16 bit values are sign-extended when they are unpacked [doc name = "USN"] WL,CL: unsigned integer Describes the WL & CL fields of the VIFn_CYCLE register. These values are used for data length calculation. If they are equal, the data is used "as-is". UNPACKTYPE: "((s|v2|v3|v4)_(8|16|32)) | (v4_5)" Describes the format of the data. See the EE user's manual, section 6.3.4 for more information on this. UNPACKLOC: unsigned integer This is the address in VU mem to which the data should be unpacked (divided by 16). DATALEN: * or a binary filename [untested] The number of QWORDS of data. If this is *, the assembler calculates this value from the data up till the next ".endunpack" directive. If it's a filename [in double-quotes], the assembler loads the specified file and uses the length of that. I'm not sure if you'd need a ".endunpack" after a filename- i'd guess not. Description Marks the start of an UNPACK VIFcode block. The block should be ended with a ".endunpack" directive. These blocks cannot be nested (obviously). 3. Upper instruction bits After every upper instruction, it is possible to include a set of bits that will be set. Most commonly, this is seen with the instruction "nop[e]", which sets the E bit to stop execution. However, there are 5 bits available to be set, and each instruction can set any or all of these. See pp60-61 of VU Users Manual for more information, but the fields basically are: I - Loads the value of the lower instruction *as a float* into the I register. Use the LOI pseudo-opcode to do this. Format: [i] LOI Example: scale vector by pi [no particular reason for pi ;)] NOP[i] LOI 3.14159 vf02, vf01, I NOP See VU manual p31 for more information on the I register. E - Stop the current microprogram. It can be recontinued at a later time using the MSCNT VIFcode. M - [i haven't tried this, but i think...] Set this bit to allow an interlocked QMTC2/CTC2 to continue. Example: Say you have some micro code that needs extra information from the CPU part-way through its operation [perhaps to increase parallelism]. The M bit of every VU instruction until the new data is required should be clear. Then, on the instruction when the new data is required, the VU instruction should have the M bit set. In the core, a QMTC2.i/CTC2.i should be executed with the new data. This instruction will stall until the instruction with the set M bit is reached, at which point it will be executed and operation will continue. Like: CPU code: QMTC2 a0, vf2 VCALLMS vu0_func QMTC2.i a1, vf2 VU code: vu0_func: NOP NOP ;vf02 == a0 NOP[m] NOP ;vf02 == a0 NOP NOP ;vf02 == a1 [100% untested :)] See VU Manual p216 for more information. D - This is used for debugging to stop the VU and send an interrupt to the EE core [this interrupt can be enabled/disabled by the DE bit of the FBRST register]. The T bit acts the same way, and it is recommended that the D bit is left solely for the debugger, and the T bit for user debugging. T - This is used for debugging to stop the VU and send an interrupt to the EE core [this interrupt can be enabled/disabled by the TE bit of the FBRST register].