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Release Name: 0.1 [Download]

VIM syntax highlighting file for dvp [ps2 VPU] assembler

Alex Mole,

Last updated: 1st May 2003

Not being particularly experienced with vu asm, I find it kinda hard going to
read. So I made a syntax highlight script for vim. Now it's much easier to read
:). Still can't write vu code worth shit, but boy can I ever read it ;)

This is my first vim syntax file, so doubtless I've been silly in lots of
places. Also I'm sure I will have missed some things [though it does correctly
highlight all the eaxmples that came with the ps2linux kit :)]. If you find
something, please feel free to drop me a mail and I'll [try to] sort it :)


Pretty straightforward really. In your home directory, create a directory
called".vim". Put filetype.vim in here. The make a directory inside that called
"syntax". Put asmEEdvp.vim in here. You're done!

    $ cd ~
    $ mkdir .vim
    $ mkdir .vim/syntax
    $ cp [PATH_TO_FILETYPE.VIM]/filetype.vim .vim
    $ cp [PATH_TO_ASMEEDVP.VIM]/asmEEdvp.vim .vim/syntax

Hope people find this useful :)
Any suggestions,bugfixes,etc to the email address above. Or you could post in
the "vustuff" forums on It's your call :)

