PS2 Conversion Utilities - Files

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Release Name: 1.0 [Download]

3dstointmd is used to read .3ds files which are typically exported by 3dsmax
but can also be created using other various known tools. Files in an
intermediate representation are created.

intmdloader basically just reads the preprocessed intermediate files and gives
you extremely easy access to the data.

viewintmd is currently just a very simple sps2 example that shows the first
mesh the intmdloader has read from file (the loader reads everything though).

The converter, the intmdloader and geommath do not require SPS2 and would
infact work for pretty much any given platform though you might have to modify
a few things here and there (ie. Visual Studio for instance). If you're just 
using gcc2.95 under ps2linux the code should compile without any required 

I'll be releasing more information about this project soon. You can use the
developers forum or the help forum on this project page to contact me should you
need any help. To use this project you'll need two things besides the converter
and the intmdloader available from here, you'll need the geommath library for
the intmdloader which is available from the famous sps2 project and you'll need
DevIl for the converter which is available in a precompiled form on CFYC and
the sourcecode can be found at the following location

Reads textures in any format supported by DevIl, animated textures are handled
by the converter aswell (.ifl).
It can reduce to 4/8bit, dither and generate mipmap levels (all optional).
Textures are exported for diffuse, specular, reflection and bumpmap on

Calculates vertex normals accurately according to smoothing groups.

Calculates tangent vectors and binormals using a very kind donation of 
sourcecode from the company crytek, who are well known for the development of
the polybump plugin. You might want to check out their evaluation version of
the plugin which is available at
I calculate the tangent vectors and binormals based on mapping coordinates with
0,0 as the lower left corner of the texture which requires that you flip the
green channel of their maps (-(g-128))+128, should you perfer 0,0 to represent
the upper left corner then you should scale all components (x, y and z) of the
binormal by -1, which essentially means -Y is up.

Welding and stripifying is performed.

Cameras and omnis, spots and square spots are all exported.

The crown jewel is that animation is accurately exported aswell, getting this
code to sample quaterions to match 3dsmax wasn't easy at all, so enjoy this one
(thanks to nervus for working with me on the animation problem)!
