OpenGL Stuff: sample OpenGL code - Files

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Release Name: opengl-asn [Download]

Recommended to checkout in numerical release order to better 
understand the use of the language.

All of the asns (1-6) tarzipped into 1 package
that way you don't have to dl (download) each one individually.

Generates a 3D image using orthographic projection.
Shows how to specify vertices so that normal to a polygon points outward.
Make a 3D object spin.
Use an Isometric projection.

Shows how to create a pick utility in a simple case.
Uses the modelview matrix mode in addition to projection mode.
Uses a display list and the glRect call to create square.
Uses reshape so that the viewport can be resized.
Uses glTranslate to change the modelview matrix.
Uses a mouse motion callback as well as the regular mouse callback.
Note- square does not move when click upon and dragged.
If you implement this feature please post in the forums. Thanks

Shows how to Manage menus and 
Use the mouse as locator device.
Read the readme for details.

opengl-asn3alpha (yes it is still in Alpha)
Control the clipping window with gluOrtho2D
callbacks with special keys (working but not functional yet)
Double buffering (working) and motion (not working)
Display lists (working)
For those people that have dled the previous 2
Any help with this posted in the forums would be appreciated.

Shows how to use a keyboard callback so 
that user can change attributes by using the keyboard.
Also shows polygon, line styles, and color primitives as well as bit mapped text.
Read the readme for details.

Shows how to create a simple graphics program in C using OpenGL, GLU, and GLUT.
This example creates a 2D filled shape. Read the readme for details.

Changes: Released asn-all Release #6 asn6 Release #5 asn5alpha Release #4 asn4 Alpha Third release(still in Alpha) asn3alpha Second Release asn2 First release asn1