BY: alf_gon DATE: 2006-Oct-02 07:35 SUBJECT: Auto.negotitation fails on a PS2 SlimHi!
I have a PS2 slim (with network adapter integrated) working with a HDD (160 GB). I have succesfully installed blackrhino dist on it but my kernel is not able to work with the network properly. The problem is "similar" to the one previously reported in this forum on olders network adapters, but analyzing accurately the message it doesn't match. Otherwise I have tried to patch the smap.o as recommended in the forum with no results.
This is the message obtained from "dmesg" command:
"eth0: Auto-negotiation timeout, not complete(BMSR=7849)
eth0: Auto-negotiation timeout, not complete(BMSR=7849)
eth0: Auto-negotiation timeout, not complete(BMSR=7849)
eth0: Auto-negotiation timeout, not complete(BMSR=7849)
eth0: try 100Mbps Half duplex mode...
eth0: try 10Mbps Half duplex mode...
eth0: link not valid
eth0: fail force speed mode. link not valid. phystat=0x0000
eth0: link not valid"
Any idea about how to fix the auto-negotiation issue on the PS2Slim-network adapter? Note that I haven't been able to establish any connection (In the problem reported on olders network adapters the connection was established but it suffers cuts).